Friday, October 19, 2012

I'm Going to Disney World!... But before I do...

Hello people!

As I am completely over the moon that I got accepted into the Disney College Program a few worries have been floating around on the various pages and I am going to put my two cents in for a few of the questions. Please take into consideration that this is my point of view from my experiences.

*As a CP we are over worked and under paid*

There are so many jobs out there that are what I call thankless jobs, most are customer service oriented. I have been a manager at a few fast food restaurants and let me just tell you for the amount of work I did and responsibility I was given my salary did not reflect that... There were many days I worked almost 12 hours sometimes and didn't have a break. Disney may be considered the "happiest place on earth" but it is still an amusement park and thus does not pay big money for simple jobs such as fast food and merchandise or operating a ride. But hey look on the bright side, you get into all the parks for free when just a one day pass is over 80 bucks!!! I believe right there is worth the hard work!!!!

I know a lot of CP's are new college students and they probably haven't had a lot of work experience, so if that is the case, then yes the work that will be done at Disney may seem horrible. Welcome to the world of working!!!!

*Will working for Disney ruin the Magic of the parks*

Honestly yes it probably will... this may be my first time to work for Disney, but I have experienced other jobs that before I saw behind the scenes had *magic* to them. One would be a radio station... before I spent a lot of time up in a radio station I had no idea how everything worked... I won't ruin that for my readers, but I think twice before trying to win a contest or even listening to the radio...

I have also toured with bands... behind the scenes of that is not so glamourous. It is awesome to see so many fans love the group and how many people want to get "backstage" or just talk to the artist... Sometimes it is fun yes, but other times it is one big headache. Once you know the truth about *insert artist here* it may change how you think of them.

I am not trying to discourage people here... this isn't what my blog is about...I am just saying it is not all smiley faces and rainbows....

*Rules Rules Rules*

Disney puts the rules they have in place because they need to not only protect themselves but also every one who works there. Don't consider them mean because they won't let you have your best friend stay in the housing with you... That could very well be a liability waiting to happen... if your friend were to get hurt they don't want to be responsible for that.

The random room checks, while it might seem like an invasion of privacy, they just want to make sure everyone is following the rules... A lot of apartment complexes give random searches in various places. If you are following the rules, you shouldn't worry.

Disney is a huge company that employees thousands of people. In order to keep things in order more rules have to be in place compared to say a small retail store in a mall or something like that.

I am looking forward to the experiences I am going to have and I hope everyone else does too...

See you all in Florida!!

January 15 to May 10 Merchandise!



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