Friday, September 7, 2012

Keeping it professional

Good evening everyone,

     It is 3:07am and I am still wide awake, so I thought I would be productive and write a post.

     I am going to share with you another one of my experiences, where I learned a lot of valuable lessons.

     In October of 2008 I went out to Las Vegas for an entire week to work the Justin Timberlake Shriner's for Hospitals Open. This was the first year that it was hosted by Timberlake himself. People volunteer for this event for all different reasons. Some people love the cause and this is their way to give back, some people love the sport, most people that year volunteered to get an up close and personal look at Justin. You may be asking what my reason was... It is no surprise that I am a huge fan of Timberlake's music, but I am always down to help a worthy cause as well as gain experience in the field that I wanted to some day work in. The week that I volunteered I did everything! I walked some of the course, I directed patrons to where they needed to go, I worked in the clubhouse. A lot of the time I worked the parking lot and took players to their cars, or helped check them in. One of the days I even got to check in Justin as he was playing in the Pro Am that day. I kept my cool, I didn't freak out and he made jokes with me. I saw him quite a few times that week and each time I stayed completely professional. He is just a normal person like the rest of us and in return for my professionalism he treated me kindly and with respect as well.
     This week ranks as one of my favorites of all time. Who doesn't love a good golf tournament in the great city of Las Vegas being surrounded by some pretty amazing people?! I volunteered again in 2009. Not as great of an experience as 08' but I still had a great time. If the opportunity arises again I would love to be a part of it.

     From these experiences I have learned that pros in the business do not lie when they say, "If you act like a fan, they will treat you like a fan." Keeping it professional is a top priority when working in this business.

I will leave you with the photo Justin so graciously stopped to take at the end of one of the nights on the course.
